
wow! it's not six months between blog posts this time! told you we'd manage it.

february update

it's been a little bit of a slower month, but things are still trundling along quite steady. the TTT map has seen playtesting - and it's fun! - we've tried our paw at modding Lethal Company (gods help us, it's Unity), and we've been poking around at other bits and pieces here and there.

there have also been a handful of smaller changes to the site - though you probably haven't noticed unless you check through it regularly. so we've fixed that! did a shiny new highlight on the navigation pane lead you to this blog post? that's right! we've scripted up a little system for site section versioning, so whenever you check back you can easily see where there's new stuff to check out.

Let's Dance.

lineless takes so long. it's also so worth it.

ko-fi and patreon

oops. still haven't gotten around to setting these up properly. looking like.. early march-ish. as a reminder, though, we do currently have a ko-fi as a tip jar - you can find it on the links page.

site changelog

general maintenance and tweaks over the month, with some bigger stuff alongside this blog post:

site sections on the navigation pane are now highlighted when they get updated.
the GDPR page has been updated to cover the storage keys saved by this feature.
the blog sidebar is no longer full-page-height.
...have you noticed yet?
secrets, as always~

thanks for reading! we'll see you again next month. <3333