the march one

continued commitment to at-least-monthly blog updates.

a slow one

not a whole lot to report on for this month - it's been a really tough one in terms of mental health. everything we mentioned last month has seen little to no progress.

modded minecraft has proven to be a significant boon here, letting us rest while still being creative in some capacity; we get fidgety if we're not active. check out this windmill.

level designer's affliction. we added an orientable landmark to our minecraft base. it has a little rope pulley elevator to get up :3

did you know the actual term for this would be a 'weenie'? no, really. the term was stolen from theme park design. it's disney's fault. if somewhere has a big landmark you can see everywhere, it's the weenie.

please hire us.

figura bettercombat compat script

we pushed an update to this script, fixing several issues it had. one notable fix was to drastically reduce the amount of network traffic it generated. oops!

Never Punished +2 Athletics

one thing we did do this month was design a swashbuckling motherfucker for a pf2e oneshot. she proceeded to fail three tumble-throughs in a row, kicked a kobold down a set of stairs, defenestrated a velociraptor immediately afterwards, and then rolled at least 17 on several athletics checks. commit to the bit. do it stylishly. the dice respect bravado.

ko-fi and patreon

we swear we'll set up ko-fi subscriptions and a patreon as soon as we have enough spoons. once again, though, we do have a ko-fi already as a little tip jar - see the links page.

thanks a ton for reading. perhaps april will be nicer to us. see you then. ­💚­💚­💚­💚