late-spring thing

it's been another off month, but that's alright.

things are picking back up. stay tuned.

happy birthday pont dot cool

this site launched a little over a year ago on april 22nd 2023.

in that time it's served, according to neocities' metrics, 93,623 views; it's been updated thirty times; and it's been followed by... three people. hey, go fix that. ;3

a lot has changed the past year. a lot has stayed the same. it only really feels like our year's started when spring rolls around. the weather today is warm, windy, and the sun is shining bright. it's nice.

ko-fi, patreon, commissions...

this is still going to happen, though we're leaning more toward using only ko-fi subscriptions and not setting up a patreon. a May launch appears likely.

additionally, we're preparing to start taking commissions for illustration and figura avatars. we struggle to work for people, but love working with people - this is worth a shot. our valve royalties are dwindling, anyway, so we have to make a move.

thanks for checking in - next month should have a lot more, and we're ready to really sink our teeth into things. BITE! ­💚­💚­💚­💚