creatively-named july blog post

hey alright we're gonna make this one quick it's like thirty degrees and humid as shit today

this one's orange

another cobalt core mod! ..two, actually!

first up: we're working on the ship shown above (placeholder art), the Breaker. this ship bleeds shield each turn, and gains it back by tanking hits with the armoured sections. the more incoming damage, the more shield regained. wip builds of the Breaker are available on our ko-fi. when it's done, it'll be available over on the cobalt core page, and on nexusmods.

second: we're making a character mod. it's top secret. it's stupid as fuck. we're really committed to the bit. this is where a majority of our time has gone the past month. whoops.

and what about yall?

we're keepin' on. it's alright.

thanks a bunch for reading, and especially those generous enough to support us on ko-fi. thanks to yall, refilling our HRT barely put us in the red for the month. ta. -k
