GDPR// what this site stores

this site uses first-party cookies and local storage keys for some scripts to enable a few harmless, fun features. the server doesn't see any of it, and it's not used for any sort of identification, tracking, or advertising. scroll down for more info.

you're opted-out by default, although some site features won't work right.

you might need to whitelist this site in tracking blocker extensions.


you are currently opted OUT.

click here to return to the splash page.

here's a breakdown of everything this site stores.


  • a local storage key is used to remember your GDPR preference.


  • a cookie with two-weeks expiry is saved on visiting the home splash page. this is used to see if you've visited recently, to determine if it's cool to set some page content to jokes.
  • a local storage key is used to remember your chosen site theme.
  • a local storage key is used to remember your motion toggle preference.
  • a local storage key is used to remember your YouTube embed consent.
  • several local storage keys are used to remember what versions of site sections you've visited, in order to highlight them on the navbar when they get updated.
  • several local storage keys are used to remember site secrets you've found.

no performance or marketing cookies are stored by this site.

this site is hosted on Neocities. here's their privacy policy.

nothing nasty, just some fun stuff - though if you'd rather opt out anyways, that's fine, i guess.